Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?


Lavanitha, 16, Born on 3 FEB 1993, Gan Eng Seng School, A GESS CANOEIST!!!, A 4H STUDENT!!!!,

Love Doing nothing... Likes Canoeing ^.^... Loves to eat... Love manga TV and games~


MySpace Music Playlist at


Louiza Evelyn. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.


August 2007 September 2007 January 2008 February 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "Notice Me" by Zetta Bytes

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
1:09 AM

Just came back home....

Today english compo paper was hard.... i sat for like 15 mins trying to figure which question to do... choose 1 1st then changed to qn 4.... in the end i did qn 5... =.=
Wrote about me being a abused orphan that wants to escape for a orphanage that tortures? but in the end i wont escape cause i sacrifice my "window of opportunity" to save this other boy and let him escape.... make sense the topic which is "window"... i hope...

After that had bio lesson from 1 to 1 45... wasnt listening or doing bio corrections at all... BUT I M THE LOWEST!!!!! i just cant do well in test... but somehow for mid year i will survive...sigh

Went to long john ate and chit chat with syu till like 3 plus then went back home with her... lol we never talked for so long already.... it was fun...

Now i m sneaking and using the comp.. lol my bro knows the comp password while i know the tv one? (yes my TV has a password) so yeah we exchange? as in i use the comp while he gets to watch

GOnna have tuition at 5.... sigh... =.=

Will you ever notice me...

Saturday, April 25, 2009
3:48 AM

I had no idea people even read my blog???? if u read tag or something? lol..

yesterdays movie was so nice~... still hve the after feeling of staring at zac efron was 2hrs? thats how long the movie was right? yeah... enjoyed myself... hehe..

gonna force myself to study very very hard next week... i gotta if i wanna enjoy my holidays... i think i can well... i just hve to try hard....

ps: everyone! study hard ok? good luck for MYE

(i realise this post does not sound like me... a little high now... sigh)

Will you ever notice me...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
4:50 AM

Xiao wei tagged me to do this quiz so i will??? lol

1. Are you single? Yeah...
2. Are you happy? ok ok~
3. Are you bored? sometimes
4. Are you fair? i m the opposite =.=
5. Are you Italian? far from this...
6. Are you intelligent? i m really stupid ^.^
7. Are you honest? i think?
8. Are you nice? Yeah...
9. Are you Irish? NO.
10. Are you Asian? YUPPP!!!

10 Facts
1. Name : Lavanitha Roshan
2. Nick: LAVA!!! (NOT magma, lavathia or vanitha =.=)
3. Birth place : Singapore
4. Hair colour: Black? Brown in the sun~
5. Natural hair style: Curly then straight =.=
6. Eye colour : should be black I think
7. Birthday : 3 feb
8. Mood : I try not to feel... mostly emotionless except for sudden outbreaks of madness
9. Favourite colour : PURPLE!!! ( BARNEY)
10. One place you want to visit: Japan XD

10 things about my love life
1. Have you ever been in love: Ya...
2. Do you believe in love at first sight: Na.
3. Do you currently have a crush: Maybe~. ;)
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yeap, many times.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - Na~ never got the chance too =.=.
6. Have you ever have your heart broken -My heart always get broken =.=
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - All the time...
8. Are you afraid of commitment- Kind of
9. Who was the last person you hug- Louiza... its not like a i have a choice =.=
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to - LOUIZA!!! ( I DONT MEAN IT )

10 this or that
1.Love or lust - love
2. Hard liquor or beer - Beer.
3. Cat or dog - DOGS!!!!
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - both are great
5. Creamy or crunchy - Crunchy
6. Pencil or pen - drawing, pencil. writing, pen.
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - romantic. Out?
8. Money or happiness - happiness, as long as it stays forever and for everyone. =)
9. Night or Day - Night. I love the darkness.~
10. IM or phone - Phone...

10 have you ever
1. Been caught sneaking out - Na... i m too guai~... i always tell them T.T
2. Seen a polar bear - At the zoo.
3. Done something you regret - YES!!! Alot.
4. Bungee jumped - Nope... but i wanna try?
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Thats disgusting =.=
6. Finish entire jaw breaker - My jaw would have broken
7. Been caught naked - WTH... 100 PERCENT NOPE
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - didnt even have one
9. cried because you lost a pet - I cried for a week for my hamster T.T
10. Wanted to disappear - I cant even count the number of times

10 preferences in a partner
1. Smile or Eyes - smile
2. Light hair or Dark hair - Dark hair is cute
3. Hugs or Kisses - Both? hug then kiss?
4. Shorter or Taller - Taller la... but for me... this makes my choices very small
5. Intelligent or Attraction - I hope for both...
6. Topman or Zara - Anything~
7. Funny or Serious - I rather have funny... cant handle serious guys...
8. Older or Younger - Same age...
9. Outgoing or Quiet - Outgoing... its more fun? but it nice if he is quiet once in a while
10. Sweet or Bad - sweet... bad guys? no way~

10 Have you
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Na not a VERY BIG ONE
2. Ever talked on the phone for more than 1 hour - YES. longest 4 i think
3. Ever walked on hands - Nope... I prefer to use my legs?
4. Ever been to a rock concert - nope.
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - nope.
6. Ever been in a dance team - nope.
7. Ever been in a sports team - GESS CANOEISTS WOOSH!
8. Ever been in a drama play - Tidodau? ( i dont think i spelled it correctly)
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley - IN 2 MORE YEARS!!!
10. Ever been in a rap video - LOL NOPE ( i read it as rape)

1. Last phone call you made - Dad
2. Last person you hugged - Louiza hugged me T.T
3. Last person you hung out with - The canoeists... too many to write..
4. Last person you worked for- I have enough money for now
5. Last person you talked to - My bro
6. Last person you IM - None.
7. Last person you texted - Louiza i think? ( WE ARE NOT LES!!! SHE HAS A BF)
8. Last person you went movie with - Dad and bro (race to witch mountain)
9. Last person/things you missed - HeH HEH HEH HEH HEh
10. Last website visited - lol.

I m lazy to tag 10 people to do this....


Ps: oxidation and reduction test tomorrow BUT!!!! no textbook... WTH T.T

PS: I CAN RUN TOMORROW!!! 12 MINS HERE I COME!!!! (hopefully)

Will you ever notice me...

Monday, April 6, 2009
1:34 AM

Lol today was a funny day.....

During physics mr lim was teaching us bout the wires that run through our house... so yeah heres the funny part

Mr lim : ok so all this wires will go into the mastubate-room (AKA masterbedroom)

Class: *laughs like crazy*

Mr lim: what so funny? =.=

Next one... ok mr lim like to call so of us by our full name so instead of calling elieen "elieen pong" he saydi elieen porn instead... seriously... who knew what mr lim was thinking when he thought us =.=

Last one... and i was in this... sigh... for some reason mr lim cannot pronouce my name so he calls me "VASANITHA!!!" or "PLACENTA!!!".... Mr lim bun calls me

MY NAME IS LA VA NI THA!!!! sigh.. T.T...

But all in all i really enjoyed myself cause u really hve alot of fun? even if i hve to laugh at myself... lalala...

Ps: laptop batt gonna die out... and yes its on purpose... =,=

Will you ever notice me...

Sunday, April 5, 2009
3:40 AM

i m feeling a little better know... heh... i just wanted u all to check this anime opening out... its weird.... O.O

Will you ever notice me...

2:47 AM

was suppose to wake up at 7 woke up at 9 instead... lol....

Had double tuition today... 2 hrs of chem and physics then 2 hrs of Mt... sigh there is something wrong with my mother tongue tuition teacher... he says the tuition at 3 instead he already down at my block at 2 10 and he ends up coming to my house at 2 30... why he came early? "cause i have to go for a funeral lata" ZZZ this is not the 1st time he has done this...i really dont like this guy... =.=

Sigh things have been bugging me these days... i forcing myself not to feel anything cause right now all i feel is pain? my stupid left knee has been swollen for a week already and the swelling does not want to dissapear? i dont think i can run nafa next week... DAMMIT!!!! i dont wanna run alone... i cant even do the 5 stations cause its on the competition week... i hve to do everything on my on? sigh... yeah anyway i been feeling sad cause of other stuff too... i dont know why some things seem to backfire on me when all i wanna do is hve fun... or be happier... seriously i dont mean to hurt people feelings but i end up doing it in the end.. T.T...

Ps: u wanna know what i dont like the idea of liking someone? cause when i like someone i end up getting hurt in the end... its not surprising... sigh~

Will you ever notice me...

Saturday, April 4, 2009
4:53 AM

overslept today... woke up at like 7 30... i knew it will take me like 40 mins to reach macrichie? (i cant spell) i still took my time... walked to the shops and bought a bun? heh >.<

today we did 32 sets of 1 min on and 1 min off... it was amazingly tiring but i never thought of stopping? i really dont know why...maybe cause i m really starting to enjoy my cca... but its too late huh? heh...

Lata i had to BEG my dad to let me go tiong to eat... lol took me like 6 calls to convince him.. yes i can be desperate... my stupid phone Went kuku so no choice i use shiyiings phone (THANKS!)...

Ate at pots and pans... lol DAM THAT JOEL!!!! keep taking my chicken... HE HAD HIS own la!!! lol we were like using chopsticks to fight. he is on attack and i was on defense... ZZZ lol and to think we r a secs 4s acting like that in front of the juniors... learnt my lesson... dont sit beside joel when eating....

Lol lata jazz went into the cd shop beside kopitiam and in like 5 mins she was out with a cd... omg... what happen to think before u buy? heh.. lata i found out it was a request from her sister... lol or cousin... not sure....

yeah then i took the train back home... reached bout 5... bathed... then use the comp till now? right... i must go study... dammit... =.=

Ps: For me... i dont like the idea of liking someone... sigh

Will you ever notice me...